Re: [thredds] Downloading HYCOM using the NetCDF Subset Service

We are aware of this issue. Recently something has gone awry with out
legacy tomcat/thredds server. A new set of servers are in the works!
subscribe to forum@xxxxxxxxx for details.

In the past the errors you are seeing occur when users attempt to
query too large of a "Time range" (defaults to the entire range)
across multiples days of data (equals the open/close of multiple large
netcdf files in the background). I assume the NCSS was designed for
smaller datasets, and we at are pushing this to the max with
several years of data equating to several Terabytes of netcdf objects.
When we aggregate all of this data together into a single thredds
catalog you should be prepared to wait a long while for the files to
be indexed and then served.

We attempted to test out the latest THREDDS 4.3.14, but the NetCDF
Subset Service included with this latest version does not work at all
with aggregated datasets. So the only way for this to work efficiently
is to serve out individual files using NCSS (thus negating the
convenience of the "Time Range" option). Will debug this in a separate
forum thread.

Michael McDonald Administrator

> Message: 1
> From: Joseph, Elizabeth (Perth)
> Subject: [thredds] Downloading HYCOM using the NetCDF Subset Service
> Hi THREDDS email group
> I have been attempting to access the HYCOM data using the NetCDF subset 
> service, however the website keeps timing out when I try to save the data.  I 
> have also limited the size of the HYCOM data in both time period (maximum of 
> 2 days per download) and spatial extent in the hope that the website does not 
> timeout.
> Is there a current issue with trying to download HYCOM data from the NetCDF 
> Subset Service?
> In addition, is there any possibility that the user can select which vertical 
> layer they would like to download in the NetCDF Subset Service [e.g. I am 
> only interested in the u and v velocity components for the surface layer] .

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