Re: [thredds] Problems with large aggregations on JPL THREDDS?

We've encountered the same problem in dealing with aggregations in
RAMADDA.   The climate collections that Don Murray at NOAA is managing go
way beyond what the NCML based aggregation facility can address. Don has
10s of thousands of files that make up one collection - model, scenario,
experiment, ensemble, parameter,  etc.

Don and I are putting together a RAMADDA plugin that provides rich search
and browse services, a data analysis framework (NCO and CDO), and product
generation (netcdf subsets, images, etc.)

We haven't addressed OPeNDAP access yet but I could see a hybrid approach -
use the internal metadata database to respond to the OPeNDAP metadata
listing request and then for the data request figure out what granules are
being requested and create an NCML aggregation on the fly for just the
small subset of files.

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