Re: [thredds] WMS time dimension different from OPeNDAP

Hi Patrick:

So WMS datetimes are probably being done through ncWms, using Joda Time library, whereas the TDS opendap service will not interpret the dates, so it must be the ferret client, presumably using udunits C library.

Its hard to imagine 2 date libraries getting different answers, but since one is done on the server, and the other on the client, it must be the difference in the gravitational attraction of the moon between the two locations, causing a slight difference in the length of the month.

Do you by any chance know what is the correct answer?


On 4/9/2013 7:08 PM, Patrick Brockmann wrote:
Hi all,

I have a strange behaviour with time dimension values exposed by the GetCapabilities
and values get from an OPeNDAP access.
Could someone explain me what is the source of the problem ?

---> 1951-07-16T12:12:04.339Z, ....

And from the OPeNDAP access with ferret client, I get

yes? use "";
yes? sg/t/l=1:10 npp2
 name       axis              # pts   start                end
 MYLON     LONGITUDE          720mr   0E                   0.5W
 LAT       LATITUDE           360 r   89.75S               89.75N
 normal    Z
 TIME      TIME                54 r   16-JUL-1951 12:33 15-JUL-2004 09:01

       L     T                   TBOX      TBOXLO TSTEP (months)
       1>  16-JUL-1951 12:33:59  12         14-JAN-1951 21:39:23 606.4526
       2>  15-JUL-1952 18:23:11  12         15-JAN-1952 03:28:35 618.4526
       3>  16-JUL-1953 00:12:23  12         14-JAN-1953 09:17:47 630.4526

--> Note the difference between 1951-07-16T12:12:04.339Z and 16-JUL-1951 12:33:59

My TDS version is Version 4.3.15 - 20121218.1126


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