Re: [thredds] WMS time dimension different from OPeNDAP

Hi all:

I assume that someone who uses "months" really wants "calendar months", which manipulates the calendar fields, rather than using a fixed duration in seconds. The CDM implements this :

and i think i still have to make a formal proposal to CF for it.

However, concerns about backwards compatibility have scuttled most attempts to extend datetime handling in CF.


On 4/10/2013 11:59 PM, Signell, Richard wrote:
Patrick, Lansing & Co:

I note that the time units for this dataset are:
  "units: months since 1901-01-01 00:00:00"
"calendar: standard"

In the CF documentation
it warns about units of "month":

" We recommend that the unit year be used with caution. The Udunits
package defines a year to be exactly 365.242198781 days (the interval
between 2 successive passages of the sun through vernal equinox). It
is not a calendar year. Udunits includes the following definitions for
years: a common_year is 365 days, a leap_year is 366 days, a
Julian_year is 365.25 days, and a Gregorian_year is 365.2425 days.

For similar reasons the unit month, which is defined in udunits.dat to
be exactly year/12, should also be used with caution."

Perhaps the WMS and OPeNDAP service are not handling units of month in
the same way?


On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 5:45 PM, Lansing Madry <madry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Patrick,

I pulled down the file via http service and looked at it in ToolsUI.
ToolsUI (perhaps unsurprisingly) gives the "1951-07-16T12:12:04.339Z" value.
I'm not familiar with ferret as an OpenDAP client or viewer, have you heard
from anyone on that front?

   Lansing Madry
   Boulder, Colorado

On 4/9/2013 11:08 AM, Patrick Brockmann wrote:
Hi all,

I have a strange behaviour with time dimension values exposed by the
and values get from an OPeNDAP access.
Could someone explain me what is the source of the problem ?

---> 1951-07-16T12:12:04.339Z, ....

And from the OPeNDAP access with ferret client, I get

yes? use
yes? sg/t/l=1:10 npp2
     GRID GTL2
  name       axis              # pts   start                end
  MYLON     LONGITUDE          720mr   0E                   0.5W
  LAT       LATITUDE           360 r   89.75S               89.75N
  normal    Z
  TIME      TIME                54 r   16-JUL-1951 12:33 15-JUL-2004 09:01

        L     T                   TBOX      TBOXLO TSTEP (months)
        1>  16-JUL-1951 12:33:59  12         14-JAN-1951 21:39:23 606.4526
        2>  15-JUL-1952 18:23:11  12         15-JAN-1952 03:28:35 618.4526
        3>  16-JUL-1953 00:12:23  12         14-JAN-1953 09:17:47 630.4526

--> Note the difference between 1951-07-16T12:12:04.339Z and 16-JUL-1951

My TDS version is Version 4.3.15 - 20121218.1126


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