[thredds] Requesting WMS Capabilities document gives 500 Internal Server Error

  • To: THREDDS Users <thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [thredds] Requesting WMS Capabilities document gives 500 Internal Server Error
  • From: Egil Støren <egil.storen@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2013 14:14:13 +0200
Hi all,

I have recently upgraded to TDS version 4.3.16, and everything seem to work as expected, except when I click on a WMS getCapabilities link, which gives me an 500 Internal server error.

I have searched for postings describing similar errors, and I found this: https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/mailing_lists/archives/thredds/2013/msg00037.html advising to update the wmsConfig.xml document according to the description in http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/projects/THREDDS/tech/tds4.3/UpgradingTo4.3.html. This I did, but the error still persists.

I also removed the CATALINA_BASE/work/Catalina/localhost/thredds directory and the webapps/thredds directory before I restarted tomcat (according to advise in another posting), but to no avail.

I am using tomcat7, java7 and are running tomcat behind an apache proxy.

Any help appreciated.

Best regards,

   Egil Støren

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