Re: [thredds] URL pattern to access NetCDF-Java ToolsUI?

Hi John:

When TDS gets this URL:

It creates a jnlp file which is sent back to your browser. If your browser has Java webstart installed as a helper application (which happens when you install Java on your computer), the jnlp file is handled by the "Java plugin" on your browser, which downloads ToolsUI from wherever the jnlp file specifies, currently:


The jnlp file has been customized to include the command line argument of the form "{catalog}#{dataset}", and the ToolsUI application looks for this and uses it to open that catalog and display the named dataset in the "Catalog Chooser" tab. This UI component gives access to all the metadata and access protocols of that dataset.

Ok, I just had to write all that down to remind myself how it works.

ToolsUI will also accept a command line consisting of just the dataset URL, and send it to the Viewer tab. You would have to create a different Viewer / JNLP file to make this work from TDS, but Im not sure if thats what you want to do?


On 5/1/2013 6:14 PM, John Maurer wrote:
Hi all,
By default, many/all TDS catalogs list the "NetCDF-Java ToolsUI (webstart)" under Viewers. I notice that this is accessed via two URL parameters: "catalog" and "dataset", for the TDS catalog page URL and dataset identifier, respectively. e.g.
points to:

I'm wondering if there is a way to access the ToolsUI with other URL parameters? Specifically, is there a way to pass it an OPeNDAP URL rather than a TDS catalog and dataset ID. e.g.

My tests using "url" or "opendap" parameters pointing to the above OPeNDAP endpoint were unsuccessful at loading the dataset at startup.
John Maurer
Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS)
University of Hawaii at Manoa

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