[thredds] threddsIcon.gif not found inside Thredds datasets


We have deployed the Thredds version 4.3.16 and we have an issue related to
the threddsIcon.gif.
Inside all Thredds data sets the link/src to the threddsIcon.gif is not
generated correctly:

<img src="threddsIcon.gif" alt="SOCIB Thredds for data access and
> discovery" align="left" valign="top">

For example, inside our satellite dataset the link to the threddsIcon.gif

GET http://thredds.socib.es/thredds/catalog/satellite/threddsIcon.gif 404
> (No Encontrado)


Kristian Sebastian Blalid
SOS Division: Data Center Technical
Tel: 971439860 - Fax: 971439979
E-mail: kristian.sebastian@xxxxxxxx

PNG image

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