Re: [thredds] hdf5 in TDS (variables names)

Hi Abdelrezzak BARA:

If you look at the opendap dds, you see that the full name of the variable is


becuase the CDM replaces an internal ' ' with an '_'.

Apparently the Hyrax server doesnt do that.


On 5/16/2013 10:29 AM, Abdelrezzak BARA wrote:

  I deployed on the TDS server a file hdf5 which contains the variable
whose the name is (dont le nom est) "/HDFEOS/GRIDS/GeoGrid/Data
Fields/temperature" (it's a composed name). It's a array of 32 bit Reals
[YDim = 0..3][XDim = 0..7]. The origine name of the variable is temperature.

when I execute the request with the web browser :


, the following error is appeared:

Error {code = 2;message = "The variable `/HDFEOS/GRIDS/GeoGrid/Data
Fields/temperature' was not found in the dataset.";};

I also tested the following requests :


, The same error is generated.

For indication, The Hyrax server manages these compozed names well. The
following request passes well :


Have you idea and solutions for resolve this problem with the TDS server?

Thank you very much for your help.

Abdelrezzak BARA.

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