Re: [thredds] Regular expression collection spec of feature collection

Hi Kristian:

Apologies for the confusion. The collection spec attribute is more limited than 
i had realized, we will fix the docs.

You want to remove the date extractor from the spec string, and use the 
dateFormatMark instead, eg:

            dateFormatMark="#met002_L1_#yyyy-MM" />

Note that the #.....# in the dateFormatMark marks a substring in the file path 
that gets matched. The yyyy-MM follows immediately before or after.

We plan to do some major improvements when we start requiring Java 7 in TDS 
version 5.


On 5/23/2013 2:23 AM, Kristian Sebastián wrote:
> Hi,
> We are testing to define the collection spec file name with a regular 
> expression and time expression #yyyy-MM# at the same time. The THREDDS 
> catalog throws and HTTP 404 error but the 
> thredds.inventory.MFileCollectionManage found 20 dataset:
>     [2013-05-23T09:13:17.318+0200] INFO
>       thredds.inventory.MFileCollectionManager:
>     station_salines-ime_met002_agg : was scanned
> MCollection{name='/data/current/opendap/observational/mooring/weather_station/station_salines-ime_met002/L1',
> dirName='/data/current/opendap/observational/mooring/weather_station/station_salines-ime_met002/L1',
>     wantSubdirs=true, ff=WildcardMatchOnPath{wildcard=null
>     regexp=.*$}}
>     [2013-05-23T09:13:17.318+0200] DEBUG
>     thredds.inventory.MFileCollectionManager:
>     station_salines-ime_met002_agg : initial scan found n datasets = 20
> The collection spec attribute is defined as:
>     <collection
> spec="/data/current/opendap/observational/mooring/weather_station/station_salines-ime_met002/L1/**/.*$"
>     />
> It works without the regular expression ".*":
>     <collection
> spec="/data/current/opendap/observational/mooring/weather_station/station_salines-ime_met002/L1/**/$"
>     />
> Also we have test it without the time expression:
>       <collection
> spec="/data/current/opendap/observational/mooring/weather_station/station_salines-ime_met002/L1/**/.*_station-salines_ime-met002_L1_\d{4}-\d{2}.nc$"
>     />
> But in this case, the CDM remote subset doesn't identify the "Time 
> Range", the Starting and Ending fields are empty, and the "TimeCoverage" 
> at the dataset catalog page. We have test the "Time Subset" with a 
> working range when the collection spec doesn't have the regular 
> expression (2013-04-01T00:00:00Z 2013-05-02T00:00:00Z), but THREDDS 
> throws a HTTP Status 500 error. The threddsServlet.log attached hold in 
> the exception trace.
> Finally we know the regular expressions are not supported in the 
> dirName='/data/current/opendap/observational/mooring/weather_station/station_salines-ime_met002/L1'.
> We are very interested in this feature, Are there plans to implement it?
> Attached are the zipped file with the example files, the 
> featureCollection xml configuration and the threddsServlet.log.
> Cheers,
> Kristian
> -- 
>     Kristian Sebastian Blalid
>     SOS Division: Data Center Technical
>     Tel: 971439860 - Fax: 971439979
>     E-mail: kristian.sebastian@xxxxxxxx <mailto:kristian.sebastian@xxxxxxxx>
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