Hello Rosanna,
you can use the configuration properties in the threddsConfig.xml file
for customizing a little bit your thredds instance. In particular you
can use the tag logoUrl within the serverInformation to use your own
logo and then in the htmlSetup section you can specify your own style
sheets for the catalogs.
If that does not meet your needs then you could edit the java code in
the thredds.servlet.Htmlwriter class (methods convertCatalogToHtml and
appendSimpleFooter) and build your own war file.
Hope it helps!
On 06/04/2013 07:11 PM, Sumagaysay, Rosanna M (3980-Affiliate) wrote:
Which file can I update to include our required NASA/JPL Header and
Footer for our THREDDs site
Sample catalog to update:
I've made a quick update in our OPENDAP server, where all I had to do
was add the HTML information in the contents.csl file:
I'd like to do something similar to our sample thredds catalog above.
Thanks much!
Rosanna Sumagaysay-Aouda
Physical Oceanography DAAC
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