Re: [thredds] aggregating GFS data, problem with accumulated

Hi Hein:

What you are seeing is the limitations of aggregations. In this case, there are 
3 different time coordinates in the collection, but NcML aggregation can only 
aggregate on one of them.

You want to use feature collections instead. Replace your entire <dataset> 
element with something like:

      <featureCollection name="myCollectionName" featureType="GRIB" 

                    dateFormatMark="#prod/gfs.#yyyyMMddHH"  />


you have to get the regexp right to pick out the files you need (rather than 
just enumerate them as in ncml):


means all the files starting with 

and then the last two chars can be anything "..$"

Usually need to get a $ terminator in order to exclude the gbx9 and ncx index 


for more details.


On 6/6/2013 3:30 AM, Hein Zelle wrote:
> Dear John,
> attached to this email is a complete ncml file that we place next to
> the data files.  The data files themselves are too big to upload, but
> they are standard gfs grib2 files, you can find them at
> (that's for this morning, modify the date as needed)
> The files are the grib2 files at 0.5 degree, e.g.  gfs.t00z.pgrb2bf30
> (50 mb each).
> The previous snippet of ncml I sent should also work, you'll have to modify
> the paths to the correct folder of course.  A variable to check is for
> example
> Total_precipitation_surface_3_Hour_Accumulation
> These should have multiple time steps, but I get only 1 time step (the
> first, for the +03 forecast). The +00 analysis doesn't contain the
> precipitation fields.  Any variable with an accumulation or averaging
> interval exhibits the problem.
> Kind regards,
>       Hein Zelle
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