[thredds] nothing happens when trying to extract subset of HYCOM data

Dear Thredds,

I am trying to extract a portion of the South China Sea over the time
period from April 1 to June 1 of this year and the data extraction hangs
for 10+ minutes and then times out. I have tried smaller quieries (smaller
areas, less time) and have tried initiating from various machines and
browsers. I expect it is a server side problem rather than client side.


I have tried this both with single parameters (uvel) and multiple
parameters as I would like all of the 3D model state variables and 2D
forcing data.

I am asking for the bounding box

N = 24, S = 16, W = 116, E = 124

Starting time = 2013-04-01T00:00:00Z
Ending time = 2013-06-01T00:00:00Z

Any help would be much appreciated

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