Re: [thredds] thredds catalog exposed in a javascript context

Hi Patrick,

I did something like this a few years ago, a javascript "class" which allow to navigate into a Thredds catalog. The scripts simply uses html lists but I think the most important part is the management of Thredds requests to get the catalogs/datasets/services. The script requests (sub)catalogs content when the users operate on the html list. The code is a bit old an dirty, I don't really have time to maintain now, as of other tools around Thredds which I would be glad to share (using git, but when...).
I can send you the script I'm talking about if you want, asan example/draft.

Best regards

Jonathan Wilkins

Le 31/07/2013 12:16, Patrick Brockmann a écrit :
Hi all,

I am looking for any experience on how to represent
a thredds catalog into an html document using some
javascript widgets such as treeview (or any other handy representation).

The purpose is to explore a catalog and be able to select items.

Below some possible treeview widgets

Ingesting data in such widget can be done from asynchronous call
(discovering datasetScan catalog for example) either from html data or xml data.



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