Dear John,
I'm having 2 issues with the feature collection.
I have a set of files separated by year and month in different folder.
This dataset corresponds to analysis data, and therefore no forecast
time is should be use. But what the FMRC featureCollection is doing is
create a runtime for each folder (month) and all the corresponding time
steps. whicah are also runtimes, the collection is putting as forecast
This is how I'm using the feature colection:
<featureCollection name="interimReanalysis_AN_test"
featureType="FMRC" path="interim/an_test">
<metadata inherited="true">
<update startup="true" trigger="allow"/>
<fmrcConfig regularize="true" datasetTypes="TwoD Files Runs"/>
As you can see the files are in GRIB-1 format. There is any chance to
control that all the times in the files to be considered as runtimes and
no forecast times?
Second problem is that in each folder the files are separated by field
and pressure level, but the collection is only adding 1 isobaric level
but in the file set there are more than 20 isobaric levels.
From this 2 issues it appearsto me that the FMRC feature collection is
assuming something about the files disposition.
The solution to solve both problems could be to create ncml files for
agregate files and create better metadata for the FMRC collection?
Any other advice is welcome
Thank you and regards
I'm using TDS 4.3.18
Antonio S. Cofiño
Grupo de Meteorología de Santander
Dep. de Matemática Aplicada y
Ciencias de la Computación
Universidad de Cantabria