[thredds] WMS Contour Plot

Hello ncwms and thredds folks,

I need to use contour plot in WMS request.

In a e-mail to thredds list, I saw that possible the plot in vector and
barb forms.


I made the dowload of Unidata/ncWMS git repository sources codes (
https://github.com/Unidata/ncWMS) and in the class
AbstractWmsController.java there is a line commented.

//else if (styleType.equalsIgnoreCase("contour")) style =

I uncommented this line, but the result didn't go with I hoped.

[image: Imagem inline 1]
Someone could talk me if there is somebody working that?


*||||   ||||||||||**|**|||  Marco Aurélio Silva Neto*
*||||   *IIIIIIIII*||**|||  *Analista de Sistemas
*|||||||||||||   |||||  **Fone*: (41) 3320-2000 - Ramal: 2079

PNG image

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