[thredds] Convert Kelvin data to Celsius


I have a datasetscan to read GFS Model Data. A variable of a this data is
Temperature_surface. The units for Temperature is Kelvin. I would like of
show this data in degrees celsius. How can I configure this convertion
through of the files catalog.xml or wmsConfig.xml?

My current configurations:

*in catalog.xml:*
  <datasetScan name="gfs" ID="gfs" path="gfs" location="/simepar/gfs">
        <metadata inherited="true">
                        <name vocabulary="">SIMEPAR > Tecnologia e
Informações Ambientais</name>
                        <contact url="http://www.simepar.br"; email="
http://www.simepar.br/site/internas/conteudo/contato/contato.shtml"; />
                        <name vocabulary="">SIMEPAR > Tecnologia e
Informações Ambientais</name>
                        <contact url="http://www.simepar.br"; email="
http://www.simepar.br/site/internas/conteudo/contato/contato.shtml"; />
                <include wildcard="fh.*_tl.press_gr.0p5deg"/>
                <lexigraphicByName increasing="true"/>
        <!--netcdf xmlns="
                <variable name="Temperature_surface">
                        <attribute name="units" type="String"
value="degreesC" />

*and in wmsConfig.xml:*

       <datasetPath pathSpec="gfs/??/*.0p5deg">

                <variable id="Temperature_surface">
                    <defaultColorScaleRange>10 35</defaultColorScaleRange>


*Marco Aurélio Silva Neto*
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