Re: [thredds] GRIB Aggregations in TDS 4.2.9

Hi Ajay,

I'd suggest upgrading to TDS 4.3:

We aren't able to support out-of-date versions, as we incorporate bug fixes and improvements into our code with each release.

  Lansing Madry
  Boulder, Colorado

On 9/4/2013 10:55 AM, Ajay Krishnan - NOAA Affiliate wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to get an aggregation of GRIB files up and running on our THREDDS Server (v4.2.9). I've tried to follow the documentation on the TDS 4.2 page and tried different combinations of the catalog configuration but always seem to encounter a HTTP 500 error.

My catalog element looks like this:

<featureCollection name="RTOFS Surface" featureType="FMRC" harvest="true" path="ncep/rtofs/rtofs_surface_agg">
      <metadata inherited="true">
<documentation type="summary">Aggregation of Real Time Ocean Forecast Surface Data</documentation>
<collection spec="/sites/data.nodc/htdocs/ncep/rtofs/**/surface/.*grib2$" olderThan="5 min" name="rtofss" dateFormatMark="#\.#yyyyMMdd#\.grb#"/>
      <update startup="true" rescan="0 0 23 * * ? *" trigger="allow"/>
       <fmrcConfig regularize="true" datasetTypes="Best"/>

Can anyone tell me if I am missing something here and what needs to be fixed to successfully create the aggregation?


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