Re: [thredds] NCSS request to expose time bounds

Hi Patrick:

Good question. In principle, dor "interval" time coordinates, the time coordinate is actually the time interval, and should be reflected in the return file. It is (I think) in a netcdf file, but csv it may not be.

We happen to be working on ncss so its a good time to get this fixed.


On 10/7/2013 10:02 AM, Patrick Brockmann wrote:
Hi all,

I have a global mean variable that represents a global mean valid from
date1 to date2.
This information is stored folowing CF conventions in an auxiliary
coordinate variable.
ncdump gives :

          double time(time) ;
                 time:standard_name = "time" ;
                 time:bounds = "time_bnds" ;
                 time:units = "days since 1900-01-01 00:00:00" ;
                 time:calendar = "standard" ;
         double time_bnds(time, nb2) ;
                 time_bnds:units = "days since 1900-01-01 00:00:00" ;
                 time_bnds:calendar = "standard" ;

Can I retrieve those time bounds (time_bnds) from a NCSS request ?

Here is my test file :,poste_oce&latitude=45&longitude=0&temporal=all&accept=csv



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