[thredds] NCSS selection on time with time_start and time_end not correct

Hi Unidata Folks,

Thank you for considering my previous report on NCSS bounds.
I really appreciate all your work on TDS and in particuliar NCSS service. 
I have also appreciated your IPython Notebooks from your last workshop.

As you are working on NCSS, you may find interesting to fix
the following problem.

When I ask for a NCSS request for a specific time interval :
time_start = 1997-03-16
time_end = 1998-08-16
the result displayed goes from 1997-08-16 to 1998-12-16

Now, I use temporal=all in my program so the problem does not 
appear but I think there is one problem.

Try :


and compare to


My TDS has release 4.3.17 - 20130607.1641


Data Analysis and Visualization Engineer
ICMC - IPSL Climate Modelling Centre

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