Hi Evangelos:
We have done extensive rewriting of ncss in version 4.3, but this is a
4.2.10 version. They are in the process of upgrading, so check back in a
week or two.
Meanwhile, we are double checking that these problems are indeed fixed
in the latest version.
Obviously you dont need to "Choose Vertical Level" when theres only one,
or if you want all of them.
On 11/27/2013 9:17 AM, vvoukouvalas@xxxxxxx wrote:
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to report the error that I encounter when I try to download
point data through the Thredds Data
regarding the NOAA Blended Seawinds dataset.
Regardless of the length of the timeseries, the u-velocity values at the
.nc file appear with NaNs. I have downloaded the same data from the ftp
site of this dataset, and the values are not NaNs. Let me tell you, that
this is not the case when I request a grid of data.
My next query is about the variable "Choose Vertical Level", at the point
selection function. Correct me if I am wrong, but I assume that this
variable is constant (regarding this specific dataset) and should be by
default set to 10.
I look forward to your reply.
With regards
Evangelos Voukouvalas