Re: [thredds] Fwd: Help with GRIB encoding - what is "reference time of data" ??

Reposting at John Caron's request:

I agree with Don.

Section 1 Octet 12 of GRIB2 files in most of the
 NCDC-nomads archive ~ are entirely
  = 1 "start of forecast".   There is a bit of semantics
there.. but I  believe this is intneded to be
analogous to the term "start of the model cycle's forecasts"

I think it is safe to assume it is a reference time when
this Octet 12 value is equal to 1.... or zero as well.
If its not 0 or 1.. more care needs to be taken.

Given the above is true...

In the case of a 12-24 hour valid time frame.
I would hope the start of time frame (P1) =12,
 end of time frame (P2) = 24, with a type of statistical
processing set to average.  These tiem frams are
defined in the PDS and are offsets to the reference time.

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 11:39 AM, John Caron <caron@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi Dan - I cant find your post anywhere. Can you re-post?
> thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> netcdf-java@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> On 12/2/2013 9:23 AM, Glenn Rutledge - NOAA Federal wrote:
>> yes John,
>> Dan Swank posted early on and it's not shown up....

Dan Swank
(NCDC Government Contractor)
Data Access & Applications Branch
Veach-Baley Federal Building
151 Patton Avenue
Asheville, NC 28801-5001
Email: Dan.Swank@xxxxxxxx
Phone: 828-271-4007
Any opinions expressed in this message are mine personally and
do not represent any position from STG, ERT, NCDC, or NOAA
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