Re: [thredds] Remove Global Attribute from THREDDS Aggregation

You can put the attribute has a child of the enclosing netcdf element and
not enclosed within any variable element and it will be a global attribute.

<netcdf xmlns="";>
  <attribute name="History" value="My new history."/>


On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 11:47 AM, Michael McDonald

> I see in the NcML cookbook how to remove attributres for specific
> variables. Is there also a way to remove "Global Attributes" from a
> THREDDS aggregation dataset?
> My reason for wanting this is that specific "history" metadata for the
> 2nd to last NetCDF file is creeping into the (penultimate)
> aggregation. I would like to remove/clear the "history" attribute in
> the Global info, or change it to a custom value within the specific
> catalog.
> e.g.,
> history: archv2ncdf2d for run date 2013120818
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