[thredds] Data Inventory Catalog Spec 1.0.2 nits

Hi all,

I was just fixing a link ACDD had to the Data Type section that broke: 
 didn't work because the version number has been inserted (correct link 

I wanted to suggest that if someone could set up Apache rewrites or equivalent, 
any link that matched 
 could be mapped to the current Catalog Spec version. Then only one place has 
to change to prevent all the broken links from people referencing a specific 
version of the spec, and you could declare that the 
 will always point to the current version.  Which would be very helpful I think.

Also, I note that the last update tag at the top is 9 December 2009, but the 
revision history at the bottom says July 12, 2013.


John Graybeal
Marine Data Manager

M +1 408 675-5445
skype: graybealski
920 Stewart Drive
Sunnyvale 94085
California, USA

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