Re: [thredds] Wrong character-encoding for opendap and ncWMS getcapabilities in thredds

Hello Heiko,

We think we have this fixed in our 4.5 release, as an examination of the http response header on an ncWMS getCapabilities document shows:
Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8

  Lansing Madry
  Boulder, Colorado

On 4/1/2014 6:57 AM, Heiko Klein wrote:

we just recognized a problem with the character encoding in the ncWMS getCapabilities document.
All GetCapablities documents from thredds return a HTTP response 
header with
Content-Type:    text/xml;charset=ISO-8859-1

while document itself states

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

When adding any non-ASCII characters to the files, e.g. via ncml adding an abstract attribute (UTF-8) with 'sjøiskonsentrasjon' = sea-ice concentration, we get some problems.

On sjøiskonsentrasjon is translated to ISO-8859-1 (as stated in charset=, but not as the encoding)

On the corresponding opendap-page: , the content-type is
Content-Type: text/html
without any charset mentioned. The data is send as UTF-8 - (the default is not clear to me). (It's neither clear how attribute character-data translates to netcdf and where to put the _Encoding attribute. But that's a different story...)

The corresponding catalog.xml page is completely correct:
Content-Type:    text/xml;charset=UTF-8
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

The corresponding catalog.html page is clearly UTF-8, too.

Best regards,


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