Hello, I am having some problems displaying data from CLS altimetry files. The
data is stored as integer to save space and has a scale_factor:
int sla(time, lat, lon) ;
sla:_FillValue = -2147483647 ;
sla:long_name = "Sea Level Anomalies" ;
sla:standard_name = "sea_surface_height_above_sea_level" ;
sla:units = "m" ;
sla:scale_factor = 0.0001 ;
I am not sure I can send the file for copyright reasons, but anyone with a
subscription to CLS can get in
when seeing the data using the Opendap protocol everything works and the values
over land are show as missing. But when using NetcdfSubset or the Godiva2
viewer (that makes WMS requests) the values over land are show as valid but
with two different values: -2.147e+5 in Godiva2/WMS and -2.147483647e+9 in NCSS.
I think this is a similar problem as the one report by Peter Vodden in
I tried changing the _FillValue (to -2.147e+5 and -2.147483647e+9) using ncml
but that only made the Opendap start showing the land values as non-missing.
Also tried adding attribute valid_min and valid_max but that didn't work also.
Any ideas?
Thank you.
| Marcelo Andrioni
| Environmental Engineer
| PETROBRAS (Ocean Engineering Technology Department)
| Av. Horácio Macedo, 950 - Cidade Universitária
| ZIP 21941-915 - Ilha do Fundão - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
| marceloandrioni@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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