Let me start by apologizing if this is the wrong route/place to ask questions.
I'm new to both this forum and Thredds. I found some very useful discussions at
and would like to ask related questions.
I've installed Thredds TDS 4.3 locally and am trying to enable support for map
projection EPSG:3575 (http://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/3575/). Since I
couldn't find epsg:3575 in epsg-wkt.jar I added the appropriate stuff according
to Marcos Hermida's instructions in the above post, but I still get
<ServiceExceptionReport version="1.3.0"
<ServiceException code="InvalidCRS">
The CRS EPSG:3575 is not supported by this server
As far as i know, EPSG:3575 is supported by geotoolkit
What have I missed?
I would be very grateful for any assistance.
Warmest regards,