[thredds] Netcdf subsets

Hi Guys


My motivation or underlying question is "can I do the things I want with
NSS, and drop ERDDAP, or do I need it still?"




I have a 4.3.x (latest-ish - say 2 months ago) TDS server installed with a
few NetCDF4c files behind it.


I want to subset them - and preserve their spatial information to use for
other apps


Currently they are in UTM grids (UTM zone 50).





1. Can the netcdfSubset service take my 'original' CRS information for a



2. What is in the output? My CRS or Thredds internal CRS - GDAL info is a
little confused about the CRS. What CRS is Lat/Long taken by the service in?


3. What is the request-API? 4.2 seems to have different options to 4.3, and
I have not got 4.5 installed - where is the webpage describing the API's for
each version?




We have previously use ERDDAP to generate the netcdf subsets for us - Is
anyone else using that pattern, or if all we are after is netcdf support -
can they see any issues with us switching over?



Terry Rankine

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