[thredds] ncss - index, bounding box selection

I've been working with some ROMS model output at the below link, trying to
do some climatology oriented averages, a part of ncss I wished worked
better is that when I use ncss to get say temperature(temp) at the url
below there's no way to specify a single s_rho elevation like surface(s_rho
index = 35) or bottom(s_rho index = 0).  I'm able to select out just a
particular s_rho afterwards using NCO, but would be nice if ncss allowed
subsetting on the all the netcdf file indexes the same as opendap.


Also this model grid for the US Southeast is at approximately 45 degrees to
the equator, and ncss lat/lon bounding box seems to select parallel to the
model grid within the bounding box and not the full lat/long(so like a
smaller parallel box within the larger specified ncss bounding box) - can
still do what I need to, just guessing that for this to work correctly,
model grid domains need to be parallel to equator and not at an angle.

Jeremy Cothran
University of South Carolina
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