[thredds] 4.5.1 - different to 4.3

Hi Guys


Finally got the catalog replicating my 4.3 one. (deleted one to many '/'s),
however the netcdf subset service now comes up telling me that my files are
no longer supported




What have I not configured correctly and why is it now complaining that I
can no longer use the ncss endpoint for my files?


There is no error (that I can see in the thredds loggers) and I have the
netcdf library and hdf libraries installed


Tomcatlog lists version: Netcdf nc_inq_libvers='4.3.2 of Jul 30 2014
15:45:00 $' isProtected=false


Is there a 'test' dataset that should work with the ncss endpoint I can try?



Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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