[thredds] thredds4.5 and Feature Collections

   - *To*: thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <thredds@DOMAIN.HIDDEN>
   - *Subject*: [thredds] thredds4.5 and Feature Collections
   - *From*: Roy Mendelssohn - NOAA Federal <roy.mendelssohn@xxxxxxxx
   - *Date*: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 16:17:36 -0700

Hi All:

Nothing like FeatureCollections to help one feel old and slow - and boy do I
feel old and slow.  I have been putting off upgrading to thredds 4.5 just
because of the changes  (I had enough trouble getting featureCollections
working the first time around).

I have a working thredds4.3 feature collection that is failing with thredds4.5
on my test server on my laptop.  So, though what is wrong is probably obvious,
it hasn’t been obvious to me, nor to my bum knee.  So here goes.

1.  Do I understand correctly that a featureCollection will only work in
thredds4.5 with TDM running, or is that only if the dataset is being updated?

-> only if the dataset is changing.

2.  If I look at:

I see:

 <update startup="nocheck" trigger="allow"/>
 <tdm startup="true" rescan="0 8,23,38,53 * * * ? *" trigger="allow"/>
replaced with:

  <update startup="never" trigger="allow"/>
  <tdm rewrite="test" rescan="0 8,23,38,53 * * * ? *" trigger="allow"/>
I had update on startup before  (more below) does it need to be “never” always
(or basically I am unclear in what sense one  replaces the other).  I didn’t
have an update command, just

       <tdm startup="true" rescan="0 0/15 * * * ? *" trigger="allow"/>



 <tdm startup ..>

is now

 <tdm rewrite ..>

although it still accepts "startup". just thought it was clearer.


<update startup="nocheck" ...

means, on TDS startup,  use indices  if they are already there (dont
check if they are up to date), and create them if not

<update startup="never"  ...

means, on TDS startup,  indices must be already there, never create them.

I have looked at the logs and it is unclear to me what is causing the
error. Below I have put what I hope are the relevant parts of the the
catalogs. If someone can point out the problem, I would be most grateful.



     <featureCollection name="FNMOC NAVGEM 0.5-degree 6-hourly Pressure"
featureType="GRIB" harvest="true" path="FNMOC/navgem/pressure/6hr">
       <metadata inherited="true">
          <documentation type="summary">
              FNMOC 1-degree pressure fields from the NOGAPS model

                   olderThan="5 min"/>
       <tdm startup="true" rescan="0 0/15 * * * ? *" trigger="allow"/>
       <gribConfig datasetTypes="Best LatestFile" />


     <featureCollection name="FNMOC NAVGEM 0.5-degree 6-hourly Pressure"
featureType="GRIB1" harvest="true" path="FNMOC/navgem/pressure/6hr">
       <metadata inherited="true">
          <documentation type="summary">
              FNMOC 1-degree pressure fields from the NOGAPS model

                   olderThan="5 min"/>
        <update startup="never" trigger="allow"/>
       <tdm rewrite="test" rescan="0 0/15 * * * ? *" trigger="allow"/>
       <gribConfig datasetTypes="TwoD Best LatestFile" />

-> dont see anything obvious, whats the error message? what does
catalogInit.log look like?
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