Hei Rich,
thanks for that link. It is not exactly the same as thredds, i.e. no
netcdf-subsetter, no 'latest' dataset and different variable names. But
it allows to extract just a subset of parameters, so we can download
data we need from there, rather than wait 'months' until the data is on
thredds. I think we will settle on that solution.
On 2015-01-20 16:41, Signell, Richard wrote:
Did you see the GFS 0.25 deg on NOMADS/OPeNDAP here?
On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 3:18 AM, Heiko Klein <Heiko.Klein@xxxxxx> wrote:
now that the new GFS 0.25deg has been declared stable as of 14.Jan after a
longer testing phase, we are eager to download that new data.
Following the conduit archive and web-page, it looks largely dead. The last
useful news were the results of the conduit survey in May 2012 following
upgrades of data in August 2012.
Downloading data with thredds is nice, but not vital for us. Can we expect
the new GFS data on the servers within the next few weeks, or shall we
rather rewrite our retrieval processes to download the grib-files from
http://www.ftp.ncep.noaa.gov/data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/ and extract the needed
information ourselves?
Best regards,
On 2014-11-06 18:39, Sean Arms wrote:
Hello once again!
It turns out there is a process to be followed to get new products into
CONDUIT (community input, community survey, etc.), so it will likely
take some time to get the GFS 0.25 degree output on CONDUIT and on
thredds.ucar.edu <http://thredds.ucar.edu>. At some point, more
information will be made available on the CONDUIT maillng list:
conduit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:conduit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
although I'm sure it will be CCd to this list as well.
On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 8:55 AM, Sean Arms <sarms@xxxxxxxx
<mailto:sarms@xxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Greetings Heiko, Don!
We're in touch with NCEP to see when the 0.25 degree GFS will be
available via CONDUIT. Once it is, we will make it available on
thredds.ucar.edu <http://thredds.ucar.edu>.
On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 6:11 AM, Don Murray <don.murray@xxxxxxxx
<mailto:don.murray@xxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Hi Heiko-
I sent in a support request to Unidata about this last week, but
have not had a response yet. I think this would be a great
dataset to add to the thredds.ucar.edu <http://thredds.ucar.edu>
server as well as the CONDUIT data feed.
On 11/6/14 5:34 AM, Heiko Klein wrote:
maybe this request is slight misplaced, since it is about
data on the
thredds servers rather than about the thredds software:
I usually download GFS-data from thredds-server, e.g.
On the GFS servers, I see now the newest highest resolution
(T1534 or
0.25degree) GFS-data:
this become available on the thredds servers, too? Does
somebody have a
time of arrival for the GFS model products?
Best regards,
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