Hi Marcelo,
I have a few comments on this.
I have figure out a alternative way for you.
Instead of try add one line to jump to the changes.txt
you can add the url in the server information page
like this
for example in the <webSite>http://www.my.group/</webSite> section
you can easily make changes here.
or have you try to manipulate the catalog.jsp in sources code
and ant them to make a new war file then put it into tomcat to deploy.
and I am quite interested in your idea, keeping track of the changes in the
server (new datatasets, new variables, etc)
Can you tell me how you do this?
Dr. Jian TANG
Central Meteorological Office
National Meteorological Center of CMA
> -----Original Messages-----
> From: thredds-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent Time: 2015-02-05 03:00:05 (Thursday)
> To: thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Cc:
> Subject: thredds Digest, Vol 73, Issue 1
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Change main catalog html page (marceloandrioni@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2015 16:22:31 -0200
> From: marceloandrioni@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> To: thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [thredds] Change main catalog html page
> Message-ID:
> <OFC752692C.DB0AEE86-ON83257DE2.0064F058-83257DE2.0064F05D@LocalDomain>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Hello all,
> I am trying to add a simple link at the bottom of the main page pointing to a
> ASCII file where I keep track of the changes in the server (new datatasets,
> new variables, etc) so the user can know easily when something changes
> without having to search the whole catalog.
> For that I tried editing the file
> webapps/thredds/WEB-INF/jsp/thredds/server/catalog/catalog.jsp
> so that
> <h3>
> ${webappName} [Version ${webappVersion}]
> <a href="${docsPath}">Documentation</a>
> </h3>
> becomes
> <h3>
> ${webappName} [Version ${webappVersion}]
> <a href="${docsPath}">Documentation</a>
> <a href="http://myserver:8080/extras/changes.txt">Changes in the
> server</a>
> </h3>
> but it didn't work.
> The new link doesn't appear even restarting everything. Do I need to change
> anywhere else?
> Thank you!
> Greetings
> --
> Marcelo Andrioni
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> End of thredds Digest, Vol 73, Issue 1
> **************************************
Dr. Jian TANG
Central Meteorological Office
National Meteorological Center of CMA
No. 46, Zhongguancun South Street, Haidian District, Beijing
P. R. China, 100081