Dear All
I'm trying to set up a nested aggregation to use in THREDDS 4.5.2 but am having
some issues, so wonder if anyone can help.
I'm following the Nested Aggregation example at
and have created the following ncml file:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<netcdf xmlns=''>
<aggregation dimName="time" type="joinExisting">
<aggregation type="union">
location="../detail/" />
location="../detail/" />
location="../detail/" />
location="../detail/" />
location="../detail/" />
<aggregation type="union">
location="../detail/" />
location="../detail/" />
location="../detail/" />
location="../detail/" />
location="../detail/" />
The data in the netCDF files is daily data with time values being relative to
01/01/1961. For the files suffixed with there are 19358
values on the time dimension with values ranging between 0.0 and 19357.0. For
those files suffixed there are 365 values on the time
dimension with values ranging between 19358.0 and 19722.0. All other
dimensions in the netCDF files - eastings and northings on the British National
Grid- are the same.
When I check the NcML file using the ToolsUI version 4.5 using NcML and
Aggregation tabs I get the following error:
java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 4
However, when I check the ncml file using the ToolsUI version 4.3 again using
the NcML and Aggregation tabs I see the aggregation that I expect with 5
union-ed variables with a time dimension having 19358 + 365 = 19723 values.
The following summary is displayed in the ToolsUI 4.3 interface:
range=[0:19358) (19358)
range=[19358:19723) (365)
Aggregation Variables
rainfall_amount(time=19723, y=28, x=17)
duration_of_sunshine(time=19723, y=28, x=17)
air_temperature(time=19723, y=28, x=17)
water_vapor_partial_pressure_in_air(time=19723, y=28, x=17)
wind_speed(time=19723, y=28, x=17)
Cache Variables
time (ucar.nc2.ncml.AggregationOuterDimension$CoordValueVar)
Variable Proxies
lat cached
lon cached
crs cached
rainfall_amount proxy ucar.nc2.ncml.AggregationExisting
duration_of_sunshine proxy ucar.nc2.ncml.AggregationExisting
air_temperature proxy ucar.nc2.ncml.AggregationExisting
water_vapor_partial_pressure_in_air proxy ucar.nc2.ncml.AggregationExisting
wind_speed proxy ucar.nc2.ncml.AggregationExisting
x proxy ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis1D
y proxy ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis1D
time proxy ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis1D
So is there an issue with trying to check nested aggregation NcML files using
version 4.5 of the netCDF ToolsUI?
Furthermore, when I copy the netCDF files and NcML file to a THREDDS 4.5.2
server, restart it, and check the nested aggregation using the OPeNDAP
interface the time dimension is displayed as having 38716 values, double the
number of time values I'm expecting. When I download the time values using the
OPeNDAP interface the time values returned are 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, ..., 19355.0,
19356.0, 19357.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, ..., 19355.0, 19356.0, 19357.0.
Similarly, when I use the NetCDFSubset interface I can download netCDF files
for dates between 01/01/1961 to 31/12/2013 but when I try to download a netCDF
file for any dates between 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2014 I get a "Requested time
2014-01-01T00:00:00Z does not intersect actual time range 1961-01-01T00:00:00Z
- 2013-12-31T00:00:00Z" error.
Also, when I use the Godiva2 viewer to view some of the data the date range on
the calendar widget allows values between 01/01/1961 to 31/12/2013 to be
visualised but not any dates between 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2014.
Therefore does anyone know if there are issues using a NcML Nested Aggregation
with THREDDS 4.5.2? Or am I'm specifying the NcML Nested Aggregation
Many thanks for any help that anyone can provide.
Best wishes, Simon.
Simon Wright
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology Lancaster
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