Thanks Ethan. I've been unsuccessful thus far running TDS as an
un-exploded WAR, but will experiment a little further. While it's not
essential for us to run in that mode, it is our standard practice for
webapps and it would be nice to have THREDDS run that way as well.
Ideally for us would be to run with an embedded tomcat. We've been using a
variation on the webapp-runner (
and deploying some applications using spring-boot. Have you all considered
packaging TDS as a self-executing spring-boot app?
On Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 7:47 PM, Ethan Davis <edavis@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi John,
> One more comment on running with an un-exploded war file. The main
> sticking point used to be that we used a method (I forget the details at
> the moment) to figure out the directory of the webapp/thredds directory.
> This method fails when running with an un-exploded war file. We used that
> to build the path for the content/thredds directory. We no longer do that
> (at least not by default). So that problem is out of the way.
> However, we still explicitly reference a few files in the webapp/thredds
> directory structure. I'm just not sure that we have switched all of those
> to open them as resources rather than files. (Actually, I suspect we have
> not changed them yet.) But I also suspect this section of code is only
> called when a TDS is run the first time, with an empty content/thredds
> directory.
> Tracking all this down has never made it very high on our list. How
> important is it for you to run it as an un-exploded war file? Might be
> interesting to just give it a try if you have a test system handy. Just try
> it with the path to your content/thredds explicitly defined and already
> populated with config and catalog files.
> Hope that helps,
> Ethan
> On Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 5:39 PM, John Caron <caron@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi John:
>> You can configure tomcat to not explode thredds.war. it will still create
>> a content directory as usual.
>> Version 4.3 requires Tomcat 6, but we recommend the latest version of
>> Tomcat 7.
>> TDS 4.5 requires Tomcat 7+ and Java 7+.
>> There are some lingering issues with FMRC with 4.5, but otherwise its
>> better than 4.3. Actually if you are serving GRIB, you should use 4.6,
>> again with the FMRC caveat.
>> I hope to have the FMRC back to snuff soon.
>> John
>> On Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 5:34 PM, John Cartwright - NOAA Federal <
>> john.c.cartwright@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Thanks John, perhaps I should have described it as an "un-exploded" WAR
>>> files. We typically configure tomcat to not expand a WAR file into a
>>> directory w/in webapps and I was wondering if I could do the same w/ TDS.
>>> Is there anything it needs to write into it's context directory?
>>> By the way, what is the minimum tomcat supported for 4.3? Also, can you
>>> give me any ideas about the suitability of using 4.5 in production? I
>>> realize that it's marked as beta, but it seems you all are using it in
>>> production.
>>> Thanks for the help!
>>> --john
>>> On Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 5:27 PM, John Caron <caron@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> I think war files are automatically packed??
>>>> you can configure tomcat to not unpack thredds.war, if thats what you
>>>> mean?
>>>> On Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 2:43 PM, John Cartwright - NOAA Federal <
>>>> john.c.cartwright@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> Hello All,
>>>>> Is there a way to configure TDS 4.3+ to run as a packed WAR?
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> --john
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