Hi Robert,
It looks like you're grabbing data from the GFS-Global_onedeg model, which
is available on many TDS servers. One of them is ours [1]. I don't know if
the two products are identical, however. Others on this list are more
knowledgeable in that arena than me.
As for converting GRIB to NetCDF, ToolsUI [2] can do the job. Just open the
GRIB file in the "Writer" tab, select "netcdf3" as the format, and click
"Write File".
[2] ftp://ftp.unidata.ucar.edu/pub/netcdf-java/v4.5/toolsUI-4.5.jar
On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 11:24 AM, Robert Khachikyan <robertk@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Hi,
> I have an automated process that uses the NetCDF Subset Service for Grids
> from Thredds converting a few variables to NetCDF format.
> I'm looking for a secondary source I can pull in the data in case TDS is
> not available or for some reason the data is not available.
> The variables I'm most interested in are:
> Geopotential_height_surface
> Precipitable_water
> Pressure_surface
> Geopotential_height
> I would typically pull in these variables from:
> http://nomads.ncdc.noaa.gov/thredds/ncss/grid/gfs-003-anl/
> 201503/20150324/gfsanl_3_20150324_1200_003.grb/dataset.html
> Is there anywhere else I can query a grib file for the interested
> variables or if I were to download a grib file, what would be the best tool
> to convert it into a NetCDF format?
> Best Regards,
> --Robert
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