Re: [thredds] common geoscience packages

We are a python shop here and often interface our C/C++/Fortran libs via
python for a 'smoother driving experience'.

If I was to point to python - it would be to the stock anaconda
distribution -
Mainly for the 'works out of the box with binaries' so more likely to
work on a 'users' target machine without much effort. It also packages
some 'common' python libs

Personally - I have other views on python packaging but for the 'easy
redistribution' purposes - this is the clear winner. (already has gdal,
hdf, netcdf libs etc)


On Mon, 2015-04-13 at 13:37 -0600, Jeff McWhirter wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is somewhat off-topic for this list but I am putting together a
> collection of installer scripts for Redhat Linux for various
> geoscience software packages as part of my work with RAMADDA's Service
> Integration Framework
> ( 
> Here is the list of packages I have support for so far - 
> ImageMagick
> Proj4
> NetCDF
> NCO  - NetCDF Operators
> CDO - Climate  Data Operators
> What other packages do folks use? 
> WRF? R? Fortran?
> Thanks,
> Jeff
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