Hi all, We are dealing with physical data (wave heights) georeferenced over a 2D, unstructured, triangular mesh (lon, lat, wave height). These are outputs from a sea state hindcast. Ideally, the data are meant to: 1) Respect interoperability standards, 2) Be disseminated using OGC compliant Web Services (WMS, WCS), 3) Be downloaded in various formats (binary, netcdf, csv, etc.), 4) Allow Catalog capabilities. We are currently considering storing the data in netcdf, then use the capacities of a THREDDS server. Though we are capable of viewing our data into IDV, we are currently struggling to achieve visualization of such data into THREDDS WMS viewer (Godiva or generic accessible viewer on line). It is possibly due to the unstructured nature of the mesh we are using. Data downloads are fine using HTTP and OpenDAP. Do you have any suggestions to allow the example file attached hereafter to perform all operations (visualization and download) provided by the THREDDS server ? Thank you for your help, Regards, Jean -- Dr. Jean Dubranna MINES ParisTech, PSL research university Observation, Impacts, Energy Centre (O.I.E.) Rue Claude Daunesse CS 10207 - F-06904 Sophia-Antipolis, France Tel : +33 4 93 95 74 36 jean.dubranna@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Description: Cdf file