[thredds] preventing THREDDS reading all xml files at startup time


Can anyone help with the following please?

My experience with the THREDDS server as part of ESGF has been that it will 
read in all the .xml files at server startup time, and then serve the 
contents from memory.  This can start to be problematic in terms of memory 
usage and server startup time in the case where there are of order 10000 
xml files.

Ideally I would like to be able to configure it to turn off the pre-reading 
of xml files at server restart/reinitialisation time (so that it instead 
reads them as required in response to a client request), but I am a little 
confused as to whether this already exists as an option or is something 
currently being worked on for a future release.

Following a suggestion, I tried turning off static catalogue caching as 


but it seemed to have no obvious effect on server startup time or memory 
footprint in my case.

Please could you let me know if there is any other configuration I could 
try, or whether just to wait for a later version.

I believe that we are running TDS version 4.3.17.  (This is from looking at 
the installation script, part of ESGF version 1.7.2, although I wouldn't 
know where to check this in the installed files.)


Alan Iwi
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, OX11 0QX, UK
Tel +44 (0)1235 446399  Fax +44 (0)1235 445848  Email alan.iwi@xxxxxxxxxx

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