[thredds] TDS and Docker

Hi all,

We recently received a support question pointing us to a Docker container
for the TDS (see below, with our response), which may be of interest to
some of you (thanks to Jacob Tomlinson of the Informatics Lab of the UK Met
Office!). The timing was quite nice, as this year (just last week,
actually) we used Docker to run our TDS training workshop, and we plan on
reworking our tutorial material to take advantage of that.

Given the rapid development of Docker, there does not quite yet appear to
be a "best practices" guide for using it, especially in production
(although a fairly nice one exists for making Docker containers), but we
feel it's quite usable for training and playing around with at this point.

Anyone else out there using Docker and the TDS?

Thanks again Jacob!



> Hi guys,
> I just wanted to say I've managed to get Thredds running in a Docker
> container and published it for others to use.
> Thought you might be interested to see it.
> https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/metofficelab/thredds/
> --
> Regards
> Jacob
> Jacob Tomlinson, Senior Developer / Engineer
> Met Office Informatics Lab

Greetings Jacob!

Thanks for passing this along! We just finished our yearly training workshop
for the TDS, and this year we tried out Docker to simplify the process. Here
was our attempt at dockerizing the TDS:


It includes a self-signed cert to enable the use of the tomcat manager, the
thredds admin/debug page, as well as the TdsMonitor tool. We also shared
the logs and thredds content directory with the host os to make viewing the
catalog and log files easier, as well as editing and persisting changes to
catalog files...the data directory was also shared with the host.

Our docker files are checked into our github repo with the CDM/TDS code:


Again, this was our first attempt at using Docker. Things seemed to go well,
but I'm sure there are several places where it could be improved! Ideally,
would like to use docker for all of our training / tutorial materials and we
plan on taking a run at this starting in August or September...we'll see how
that goes. While Docker does not seem to be 100% ready for production
use, it is certainly very cool technology and we want to be ready for when
it's ready for prime time - it will certainly make managing multiple
of the TDS much easier!

Thanks again for sending us a pointer to your dockerhub repo!

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