I think you just don't have your syntax quite right -- you need to
specify "coverage=tas".
So instead of this:
Try this:
Just to see if there was some issue with the latest release, I tried a
WCS GetCoverage request on our TDS 4.6.3 server and it seems okay:
wget -O test.tif
On Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 3:42 AM, Wright, Simon M. <smw@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dear All
> Can anyone help me with trying to get a WCS 1.0.0 GetCoverage request to
> work with THREDDS?
> I’m using THREDDS 4.6.3 and get expected XML responses when I attempt WCS
> GetCapabilities and DescribeCoverage requests. However, when I attempt a
> GetCoverage request, with format equal to GeoTIFF or NetCDF3, I get a “This
> web page is not available ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE” error and when I show the
> details I’m told that “The web page at… …might be temporarily down or it may
> have moved permenantly to a new web address.”
> I tried this initially with gridded data in a British National Grid
> projection and the GetCoverage request fails. I therefore created a dummy
> netCDF file with a latitude longitude projection and have configured a
> THREDDS instance in a VM on my local machine to test but I am still getting
> the same error – the GetCapabilities and DescribeCoverage requests work and
> the GetCoverage request fails.
> The form of the WCS requests I’m attempting are as follows:
> http://localhost:8080/thredds/wcs/smwtestwcs/
> http://localhost:8080/thredds/wcs/smwtestwcs/
> http://localhost:8080/thredds/wcs/smwtestwcs/
> http://localhost:8080/thredds/wcs/smwtestwcs/
> I have used ToolsUI 4.6 to check that the dummy netCDF file is OK and I can
> successfully display the gridded data in a netCDF file using the
> FeatureTypes | Grid tab. I can also display the dummy netCDF file in the
> Godiva2 viewer in the VM THREDDS instance.
> The metadata header of the dummy netCDF file is as follows:
> netcdf C:/smw/Workspace/THREDDS_WCS/Data02/ {
> dimensions:
> latitude = 6;
> longitude = 12;
> variables:
> float latitude(latitude=6);
> :_CoordinateAxisType = "Lat";
> :units = "degrees_north";
> int crs;
> :grid_mapping_name = "latitude_longitude";
> :longitude_of_prime_meridian = 0.0; // double
> :semi_major_axis = 6378137.0; // double
> :inverse_flattening = 298.257225363; // double
> :_CoordinateTransformType = "Projection";
> :_CoordinateAxes = "x y";
> float longitude(longitude=12);
> :_CoordinateAxisType = "Lon";
> :units = "degrees_east";
> float pressure(latitude=6, longitude=12);
> :_CoordinateAxes = "x y";
> :coordinates = "y x";
> :long_name = "Pressure";
> :units = "hPa";
> :grid_mapping = "crs";
> float temperature(latitude=6, longitude=12);
> :_CoordinateAxes = "x y";
> :coordinates = "y x";
> :long_name = "Temperature";
> :units = "celsius";
> :grid_mapping = "crs";
> // global attributes:
> :cdm_data_type = "GRID";
> :Conventions = "CF-1.0";
> :featureType = "GRID";
> }
> The netCDF file in the British National Grid can also be displayed in
> ToolsUI 4.6 and Godiva2 viewers.
> Can anyone shed any light on what I might be doing wrong and why I can’t get
> a GetCoverage WVS request to work?
> Many thanks, best wishes, Simon.
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