Re: [thredds] Redundancy

Interesting question. Let's scope this idea.
Do we assume that over time a given site might
get a new dataset to serve up, so we must be prepared
to send that dataset to all the other thredds servers
in our cohort.  Also, there is the question of how a client
moves from a failed server to an active one. We somehow need
a mechanism  for a client to figure out to which server to move.
Worth exploring.
=Dennis Heimbigner

On 1/12/2016 5:15 PM, Richa Mathur wrote:
Hi ,
We are a group of partners who share data using Thredds servers installed at each one of us. We wish to have data redundancy i.e should any of the server fail the data should be available at an alternate location.
Is there a way to configure the thredds in this way.

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