Re: [thredds] Thredds Build Stack

Hi Dennis,
Thank you for the quick reply.
regarding your final point

On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 4:09 PM, dmh@xxxxxxxx <dmh@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> We no longer support maven poms. You will have to use gradle.

Done, built successfully with no test failures.

> The opendap code was originally developed by, but
> eventually taken over by Unidata.

I understood that. Thank you for clarification.

> You should be aware that at this point,
> the opendap code is so tightly woven into thredds that it is probably not
> usable
> as a standalone library.

That's a real shame, however it now just opens up the avenue of having my
application communicate with thredds directly.

Regarding the licensing of the code. Can you please clarify what the
licensing is? Is it dual licensed under LGPL 2.1 and (MIT-style) netCDF C
library license?
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