Greetings Benjamin,
You may be able to tweak the Disk and Object caching options in
threddsConfig.xml to turn off as much of the caching as possible (i.e.
setting max/min files to keep, max/min size, scour, etc.). However, we have
not tried this before so we are not sure how well this will work. I
understand wanting a clean performance test, but unless you are going to
try to run your server without caching, then from a user or your servers
standpoint, it would be good to keep caching turned on in the performance
testing. Please do let us know how the testing goes!
On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 3:55 AM, Benjamin Ebermann <
Benjamin.Ebermann@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi TDS Support-Team,
> I woud like to test the best NetCDF configuration for as specific problem.
> For this I simulate requests to the TDS and measure the access time. For
> more robust results I repeat the tests 20 times, but the TDS caches a lot
> and the results are falsified. The question is: how can I turn off the
> cache for the tests in order to get a reliable measure of the access time?
> We use: TDS 4.6.2
> Many thanks in advance.
> Benjamin Ebermann
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Benjamin Ebermann phone : +49-351-463.33840
> Institut fuer Planetare Geodaesie fax : +49-351-463.37063
> Technische Universitaet Dresden email :
> benjamin.ebermann@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> D-01062 Dresden, Germany web :
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