Re: [thredds] Cannot get FeatureCollection Updated by tdm

For the record, I’ve also experienced issues with both grib feature collections 
and changing joinExisting aggregations updating in THREDDS on 4.6.4 and 4.6.5. 
The issue is not present on 4.6.3. 

> On Apr 18, 2016, at 9:17 AM, 唐健 <tangjian@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> HI everyone,
> I am having hard time upgrading from 4.5.x to 4.6.5.
> Everything works fine in 4.5.
> The thing is when I am in 4.6.5, using FeatureCollection to get a directory 
> of Grib2(orGRIB1) files, let's say NCEP_GFS fcst files, the directory is 
> 2016041600, and when the GRIB file comes in, the first time ncx3 and gbx9 was 
> built, the TDM will send trigger to TDS, and it will be updated. But when 
> more and more file comes in, it still will send trigger, but the TDS will not 
> respond to it anymore.
> First I thought it could be some problem due to windows or something. So I 
> install openSuse on my laptop, and install both tomcat8 and Java(JDK)8. And I 
> get SSL working as the same.
> So I have the following XML:
> Please help me check if I did something wrong.
> in catalog.xml
> <catalogRef xlink:title="Global Forecast System (GFS) 0p5deg" 
> xlink:href="nwp_ncep_gfs_0p5deg.xml" name=""/>
> and in nwp_ncep_gfs_0p5deg.xml
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <catalog name="NMC THREDDS Server Catalog" 
> xmlns=""; 
> xmlns:xlink="";  version="1.0.2" >
> <featureCollection name="ncep" featureType="GRIB2" path="nwp/NCEP" >
>    <metadata inherited="true">
>     <serviceName>GribServices</serviceName>
>     <dataFormat>GRIB-2</dataFormat>
>    </metadata>
>    <collection spec="/home/jtang/Documents/THREDDS_NEW/**/.*\.grib2$"  
> timePartition="directory" name="ncep_all"/>
>    <update startup="test" trigger="allow"/>
>    <tdm rewrite="always" rescan="0 0/1 * * * ? *" trigger="allow"/>
> </featureCollection>
> </catalog>
> Since I use "GribServices" as the Service,  Full Collection (Reference / 
> Forecast Time) Dataset, it will change when I manually put more file into the 
> directory, but the 
> "http://localhost:8080/thredds/catalog/nwp/NCEP/ncep_all-2016041500/catalog.html";
>  it will not change.
> If anyone have any clue, please feel free to jump in.
> Thank you very much.
> --
> Dr. Jian TANG
> Central Meteorological Office
> National Meteorological Center of CMA
> No. 46, Zhongguancun South Street, Haidian District, Beijing
> P. R. China, 100081
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