[thredds] Problem serving datasets with ushort data types via THREDDS OPeNDAP


I've run into a problem when trying to serve NetCDF files that contain
ushort datatypes.  Here's an example:


When I go to the OPeNDAP Access form for this dataset:


and look at the description of the variable 'external_temp_raw', I see that
it is a 16-bit Unsigned Integer, though the _FillValue == -1, which is not
possible.  If I request the first 10 records of this variable:


I get values that are within the range of the ushort data type (0-65535)

Here's where things get strange:  If I use ncdump to inspect the data
setvia the opendap url:

$ ncdump -v external_temp_raw
| grep external_temp_raw
short external_temp_raw(obs) ;
external_temp_raw:_FillValue = -1s ;
external_temp_raw:comment = "Temperature external to the instrument
measured in counts" ;
external_temp_raw:units = "counts" ;
external_temp_raw:coordinates = "time lat lon" ;
external_temp_raw:long_name = "Raw External Temperature, counts" ;
external_temp_raw:_Unsigned = "true" ;
external_temp_raw:_ChunkSizes = 9689 ;
 external_temp_raw = -24937, -24937, -24933, -24931, -24939, -24937, -24937,

The data type is shown as short and the first 7 values of the variable are
returned as negative values.  THREDDS is treating these datatypes as shorts
instead of ushorts.

If I download the NetCDF file via HTTPServer and run the same ncdump
command, here's what I get:

$ ncdump -v external_temp_raw ~/Downloads/
| grep external_temp_raw
        ushort external_temp_raw(obs) ;
external_temp_raw:_FillValue = 65535US ;
external_temp_raw:comment = "Temperature external to the instrument
measured in counts" ;
external_temp_raw:units = "counts" ;
external_temp_raw:coordinates = "time lat lon" ;
external_temp_raw:long_name = "Raw External Temperature, counts" ;
 external_temp_raw = 40599, 40599, 40603, 40605, 40597, 40599, 40599, 40599,

So, the actual file shows the datatype as ushort and a _FillValue ==
65335US and the data values are within the expected range for that datatype .

Any ideas as to why THREDDS appears to be casting the ushort datatype to
short and changing the actual values of that variable when it is accessed
via OPeNDAP?

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