[thredds] Using HDF5's dynamic loading filter in THREDDS

  • To: "thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [thredds] Using HDF5's dynamic loading filter in THREDDS
  • From: Adam Steer <Adam.Steer@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2016 23:51:25 +0000
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Hi all

I’ve got a request to enable HDF5’s dynamic loading filters capability in a 
TDS. My colleagues have built a HDF5 C library which has dynamic loading 
filters enabled, required because the standard HDF5 compression algorithm isn’t 
working as well as some others they’ve tested and they want to replace it. I 
can’t answer any more about the whys and wherefores of that - but the task from 
my point of view is this:

How can I get THREDDS to use a customised HDF5 library?

As far as I can tell, I’d need to build THREDDS from source, with the new HDF5 
library on whatever system I’m using to build it.

…but this strategy might be completely wrong. I’m uncertain about the 
relationship between system NetCDF/HDF5 libraries and the Java-netCDF that 
THREDDS uses. 

…which brings my second question: Would using a customised HDF5 library at 
build time have the desired effect - being the ability to use HDFs dynamic 
loading filters when interacting with netCDF 4 files?

I hope my questions make sense - I’m feeling my way about THREDDS, NetCDF4 and 
HDF5 all at the same time.

Thanks in advance


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