Re: [thredds] catalog of multiple Thredds catalogs [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

  • To: Frank Erjiang Fu <F.Fu@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [thredds] catalog of multiple Thredds catalogs [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
  • From: Michael McDonald <mcdonald@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 9 May 2016 08:31:12 -0400
On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 12:28 AM, Frank Erjiang Fu <F.Fu@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Is it possible to create a Thredds dataset to link another Thredds dataset? I 
> don’t remember where I read it can be done.
> For example, Thredds 1 has datasets A and B, Thredds 2 has datasets C and D. 
> I would like to have Thredds 3 which has datasets A and C from Thredds 1 and 
> Thredds 2.

I think I understand what you are trying to do. You can use the
following "netcdf location=" to reference a remote/local OPeNDAP
dataset within another dataset. We use this method to create
smaller/managable (1 year) datasets with "like" variables and then
union together each individual 1-year var dataset into a higher level
dataset with all vars combined. Just use "dods://" to wherever the
OPeNDAP URL is. We then take it one step more & union those yearly
datasets into another higher level dataset to include multiple years
of data in another dataset.

<netcdf location="dods://...">

<netcdf location="dods://"/>

I talk in more detail about this here,

note: We changed the hostname "localhost" to "" (our
DNS-RR pool of THREDDS servers) so that our OPeDAP queries are better
load balanced.

Michael McDonald
Florida State University

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