[thredds] monitor TDS catalog change

Hi everyone,

I remember years ago, maybe, someone has posted on the mail list that he/she 
wrote a script or something to 
monitor THREDDS catalog change, instead of TDM, since which can only tell you 
the TDS changed successfully...
for example, where the new data comes in and TDS update the catalog, he can see 
it through a simple page through tomcat,
ncep gfs 2016051700 comes in at time ....
ncep gfs 2016051612 comes in at time ....
ncep gfs 2016051600 comes in at time ....

I cannot find it lol...

Does anyone have any experience to do this? 
Many thanks.


Dr. Jian TANG
Central Meteorological Office
National Meteorological Center of CMA

No. 46, Zhongguancun South Street, Haidian District, Beijing
P. R. China, 100081

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