[thredds] OpenDAP constraint expression

           I am not sure whether I will get any help for asking such a
basic question on OpenDAP constraint expression but if this is not the
forum for getting clarifications on OpenDAP constraint expression please
let me know the appropriate forum.

I I have this URL -

This is the output of a program that fetches data from a THREDDS server. I
am wanting to replicate the functionality by coming up with that URL myself.

Can somebody explain to me what the values in parenthesis are ?

This is the input I give

months.minmax=c(5,5), years.minmax=c(2014,2014),
lat.southnorth=c(5, 40), lon.westeast=c(65, 100),

I am wanting data for month of May 2014, latitude between 5 N and 40 N and
longitude 65 E and 100 E for the pressure level 850 hPa.

How does that input get translated to the above URL ?

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