[thredds] support EPSG:3413

Hello Support-Team,

I would like use the CRS: EPSG:3413. In the FAQ (TDS) you say "all CRS would supported from the Geotoolkit" [1]. At this list I can find our CRS [2], but the response of a GetMap-Request is:

<ServiceExceptioncode="InvalidCRS">The CRS EPSG:3414 is not supported by this server</ServiceException>

What can i do? And how i can find the long list of all supported CRS by The TDS?

[1]: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/thredds/v4.3/tds/tds4.3/faq.html#wmsLimitedCRS
[2]: http://www.geotoolkit.org/modules/referencing/supported-codes.html

Best regards

Benjamin Ebermann                     phone : +49-351-463.33840
Institut fuer Planetare Geodaesie     fax   : +49-351-463.37063
Technische Universitaet Dresden       email : benjamin.ebermann@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
D-01062 Dresden, Germany              web   : tu-dresden.de/geo/ipg/gef

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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